Arka HR Solutions

Author: Admin Admin

The Power of Appreciation: How Recognizing Employees Boosts Business Success

Arka HR joins the celebration of Administrative Professionals Week from April 21 to 27. We know the work of administrative professionals powers the corporate world in ways too often taken for granted. In the day-to-day hustle and bustle of business, where strategies, innovations, and bottom lines dominate conversations, one crucial element often takes a backseat: employee appreciation. Yet acknowledging and valuing your team members can significantly impact your company’s success and overall workplace culture amidst the rush for profits and growth.

Taking the Initiative Leads to Growth

Being a good leader is what’s going to propel your business’s growth forward. In order to be a good leader, one must know when and how to take initiative. Sometimes good initiative looks like letting the right person take over. Start taking initiatives that can connect people. By delegating tasks to those with matched skills […]

Does Outsourcing an HR Team Outweigh Your Liabilities?

Having a solid workforce enables business growth and promotes a better workplace. It also allows entrepreneurs to scale faster in a competitive market. A strong workforce consists of trustworthy, ambitious, dedicated, productive, and optimistic people. Finding resources with exceptional skills and experience is one of the most challenging tasks. Moreover, expanding the team is not […]

Benefits of Outsourcing HR

Outsourcing projects in every industry has become essential because of state-of-the-art technology. Outsourcing helps businesses advance and allows companies to extend teams without investing money in the hiring process, infrastructure, and management cost. Outsourcing allows hiring of a dedicated support staff from a remote location on an hourly or project basis or as full-time employee. […]

Tips for new employee success

 HR: Tips for new employee success  Make it special, comfortable, and a positive experience. These three words mean a lot to a new employee. They expect a healthier workplace that offers support and opportunity for growth. When you add new members to the company, focus on ensuring they feel valued and integrated into the company […]

What is your company culture and how does it affect you?

A company runs and grows with the help of trusted employees; they form the backbone of your organization. If you examine the culture of your company, you want it to be one where your employees perform their best. To see quality output, offer a stress-free work environment; to achieve a stress-free workplace, enhance your company […]