Arka HR Solutions

Author: Admin Admin

The Power of Appreciation: How Recognizing Employees Boosts Business Success

Arka HR joins the celebration of Administrative Professionals Week from April 21 to 27. We know the work of administrative professionals powers the corporate world in ways too often taken for granted. In the day-to-day hustle and bustle of business, where strategies, innovations, and bottom lines dominate conversations, one crucial element often takes a backseat: employee appreciation. Yet acknowledging and valuing your team members can significantly impact your company’s success and overall workplace culture amidst the rush for profits and growth.

Taking the Initiative Leads to Growth

Being a good leader is what’s going to propel your business’s growth forward. In order to be a good leader, one must know when and how to take initiative. Sometimes good initiative looks like letting the right person take over. Start taking initiatives that can connect people. By delegating tasks to those with matched skills you will improve efficiency in the workplace. When you help your employees improve efficiency and productivity it shows you are enthusiastic and serious about your business. Your employees mirror what they see in their supervisor because they understand that to be approved behavior. When they see that your method works, they gain confidence in the ability to do their job and become less resistant to new rules or procedures. The courage, enthusiasm, and energy with which you take any initiative, big or small, motivates them to work on the same frequency. Along with the improvement of work processes, 79% of employees say they have/will quit a job due to insufficient appreciation from their supervisors proving that even if you’re a natural born leader, leadership training is crucial for employee retention. Here are our top tips for taking initiative and being a good leader: Boost confidence, Give honest feedback. Let employees know when they are doing things right. Express satisfaction and give honest feedback to boost employee confidence and overall company morale. This helps build open communication culture. Take Accountability. Although something might not be your fault, when you’re overseeing a group of people it is still your responsibility. Taking responsibility and being open to suggestions on how to better prepare your team to prevent future mistakes is a great leadership skill to have. Hire Women and POCs. According to research by DDI World “Companies with greater gender diversity were 1.4 times more likely to have demonstrated sustained, profitable growth”. Put basically, companies lead by women make increasingly more money and isn’t that what we all want? In addition to that, companies with an inclusive workplace culture have better employee retention. Keep stress down. According to a survey conducted by Korn Ferry 76% of employees say that stress at work is negatively impacting their personal relationships. There are times when things may go wrong or get hectic around the workplace because of workload and deadlines. Handle these situations as proactively as possible. See a stressful time as an opportunity to present your leadership skills and use your resources to put together a problem-solving plan. Provide employees with material on how to reduce stress and prevent burn out. Our HR solutions can definitely alleviate that stress for you. Know when to ask for help. How you approach challenges demonstrates your ability to address a difficult situation. Turn your challenges into opportunities. Being able to adapt to change is a necessity for company leaders to ensure longevity. Part of being a good leader is knowing when to ask for help. Most business owners have noticed this fact that is why leadership training investments were estimated at 357.7 billion worldwide in 2020. P.S. At Arka HR Solutions we’ll help you evaluate growth initiatives. With our wide range of services, including administrative solutions, accounting, marketing, human resources, safety, and environmental services, we are ready to help your business succeed. Contact us today to take your business to new heights.

Does Outsourcing an HR Team Outweigh Your Liabilities?

Having a solid workforce enables business growth and promotes a better workplace. It also allows entrepreneurs to scale faster in a competitive market. A strong workforce consists of trustworthy, ambitious, dedicated, productive, and optimistic people. Finding resources with exceptional skills and experience is one of the most challenging tasks. Moreover, expanding the team is not only costlier but also time-consuming. The bottom line is your business’ success depends on a good hiring team. We profoundly believe that small businesses or medium-sized businesses should focus on leveraging technology to stay competitive in the market. State-of-the-art technology enables companies to automate regular tasks, reduce workload, and improve data predictions. Nevertheless, cloud technology allows you to manage your business from your comfort zone. Implementing the latest technology in your business creates new opportunities like hiring resources from remote locations. Why is outsourcing beneficial? Companies opt for outsourcing for several reasons. Examples of those are strategic partnership, availability of resources, easy expansion, and lower costs. Outsourcing business operations is considered one of the best strategies for growing companies. It gives them access to highly experienced and dedicated resources on-demand. Start-ups and other businesses routinely outsource roles like virtual assistance, HR, IT support, accounting and bookkeeping, marketing, and administrative solutions. Pros of Outsourcing an HR team: Cons of Outsourcing an HR team: Outsourcing HR roles and responsibility Outsourcing makes it easier for companies like yours to find better resources and onboard them in a limited time. It leverages productivity and helps in completing projects faster without any complications. Employee Handbook If you plan to grow your company, you should have an employee handbook. Handbooks make it easier for resources to understand business goals, missions, and visions. Most importantly, it helps them adjust to the company’s culture and workplace settings. Outsourcing companies have extensive experience creating an employee handbook that can serve a business purpose. They can make one for your company with all the necessary details, rules, regulations, and other information you would like to add. They have specific formats available for individual business types to make the process easier. This can save you tons of time on research and development. Recruitments Hiring is a complex and time-consuming task. However, outsourcing HR roles saves you all the trouble. From finding suitable candidates to onboarding, they take care of everything so you can focus on other crucial tasks. They have access to an immense talent pool that you can utilize to meet your hiring needs in the needed time such as: Workforce Management Providing a safe and comfortable workplace for employees is key to retain them and increase efficiency. An HR team helps create a company culture that does just that, reducing turnover. Payroll Administration HR support can reduce the burden of managing staff and managing salaries. They can help you process salaries accurately on every cycle by correctly calculating work hours, leaves, deductions, and taxes. In addition to that, the HR team ensures that all the payments go out on time to enjoy uninterrupted services. They also help set advanced payroll management software to automate payments. Talent Management Analyzing employee performance is essential to understanding their contribution to the company. Employee performance can help you identify great talent within the companies to promote them to grow the company faster. Nevertheless, talent management plays a crucial role in helping employees grow their careers. However, if you are unsatisfied with employees’ performance during the evaluation, the HR team can follow an off-boarding process. P.S. At Arka HR Solutions, we offer our clients the ability to focus on core competencies without worrying about business management and its functions. Our services include data management, project management, accounting services, IT support and maintenance, and human resources. Arka HR is a one-stop shop for all of these services. Get in touch with our experts to learn more about our outsourcing solutions.

Benefits of Outsourcing HR

Outsourcing projects in every industry has become essential because of state-of-the-art technology. Outsourcing helps businesses advance and allows companies to extend teams without investing money in the hiring process, infrastructure, and management cost. Outsourcing allows hiring of a dedicated support staff from a remote location on an hourly or project basis or as full-time employee. In addition, outsourcing provides access to core expertise and on-demand resources, at the cost of productive time only. With outsourcing, internal teams can increase productivity and focus on important tasks. There are outsourcing firms that offer HR solutions to grow your company. Top Benefits of Outsourcing Include: 1. Enhanced Productivity An external team aids in completing projects faster and starting new tasks earlier than expected. Outsourcing solutions help in improving the productivity of the in-house team; an external team manages day-to-day tasks so that the internal team can focus on providing expertise to clients. 2. Focus on Core Competency Outsourcing HR roles allow you to focus on growing business while your strategic partner manages office operations like data processing, client management, payroll management, and employee management. 3. Cost-effective Outsourcing is less expensive when compared to an in-house team because you are only responsible for paying for work completed. You don’t have to pay for the hiring process, taxes, management costs, or infrastructure expenses. 4. Expertise on Demand Outsourcing partners have access to a large talent pool, which allows you to add resources when required. Outsourcing firms ensure that resources are added to your team as soon as necessary so that productivity is maintained and improved. You get experienced resources at cost-effective rates. 5. Strategic Partnership The strategic partnership helps in business analysis and strategies to improve operational functions. Your strategic partner can reduce your work burden by managing day-to-day business operations. They can ensure operations move smoothly on a regular basis. 6. On-Demand Support A dedicated team can work on your projects and requirements to meet your needs on time. You will get immediate solutions for all your requirements so that productivity never stops. You can also hire resources that can work in multiple time-shifts. 7. Flexible Reporting Weekly and monthly reports from your outsourcing partner track project progress, resources, and spending. You can also track day-to-day work progress from a single dashboard to stay abreast of projects. Moreover, you can have resources report to you directly to meet important deadlines. 8. Talent Management The external team manages on-boarding and off-boarding processes. You communicate requirements to an external team and they find the experienced resources and complete the hiring and on-boarding process. They can also complete payroll processing and employee evaluation if requested. 9. Reduced Operation Cost You don’t have to worry about workplace management or infrastructure development costs when you add extra resources. From allowances to employee packages, your outsourcing partner is responsible for managing resources and their expenses. 10. Scalability You can remove or add resources to your team per your requirements. This provides flexible options for choosing services so that you don’t end up paying more. Outsourcing HR roles help in growing your company efficiently in the competitive market. Technology ensures your business data is secured so that you get the best out of outsourcing services. P.S. We help companies with administrative solutions, HR, accounting safety & environment services, and marketing. Get in touch with our experts to understand how we can help you with on-demand resources and services.

Tips for new employee success

 HR: Tips for new employee success  Make it special, comfortable, and a positive experience. These three words mean a lot to a new employee. They expect a healthier workplace that offers support and opportunity for growth. When you add new members to the company, focus on ensuring they feel valued and integrated into the company culture. A good company always tries to keep its best employees. Here are some tips on making sure new employees start on the right foot.   Plan a flexible introduction Introduce new hires to all existing employees, reporting managers, the CEO, and especially to the teams they will join. Arrange a proper introduction to explain the company policy and procedures along with employee benefits. Give a presentation on the company’s history and work culture. Introduce new employees to the workplace and provide ample training of technologies used in the organization.    Send positive vibes Meeting a group of strangers on the first day of work can make new employees nervous. Make your new employees feel special from the moment they join with a company email welcome along with individual emails from members of senior management. Inform the receptionist about the new arrivals and prepare a welcome kit to make them feel welcomed. Provide a workplace setup Make sure that the IT team installs and gives access to all the applications and generates corporate email IDs. Crosscheck with the administrator to confirm setup is complete. Host a team lunch New hires need to know each team member before starting work. Organize a team lunch so they can bond and get to know each other. This can help new employees to work efficiently and collaborate with the team members. Allocate time for training Do not push new employees to immediately become productive. Partner them with an experienced employee who will introduce them to company products and services and allow them to go through previous projects. This helps them to understand the quality of work offered to clients as well as building a relationship with their fellow colleague. Follow up weekly New employees tend to push themselves harder to accomplish tasks. It is important to follow up and ask for feedback. Create a process Do you have a cohesive onboarding plan? Do you want employees to feel more comfortable at your workplace? If you want your employees to feel secure, implement good HR strategies. It can help your company to retain the best employees. Keep all the paperwork ready and walk employees through the onboarding process. We hope these tips help in easing the new employee onboarding process. Recently, Raquel Liriano joined us as Human Resources Business Leader. For a smooth and comfortable transition, we followed our own suggestions on hiring. We have optimized our joining process so that new employees feel like they are part of the family. We hope you, too, can follow the above tips to ensure employee satisfaction. About Raquel Liriano Raquel started her career as an elementary school teacher. Her vision to grow personally and professionally led her to pursue a postgraduate Master of Education in curriculum and instruction from Lesley University. She later transitioned to a career in Higher Education, where she gained experience in human resources training and development. At the same time, Raquel pursued a Master of Management in organizational development. Personal life Raquel is the first in her family to earn two Master’s degrees. Her family’s support resulted in multigenerational family achievements. Raquel’s personal and professional accomplishments serve as the motivation for the three children she raised. Now they are successful young adults.  Interests Raquel is an emerging poet. Her poetry stems from her intercultural and life experience of being born and raised in the US. She embraces her Dominican roots and culture. Raquel is the recipient of the 2021 Voices of Color Poetry Fellowship from Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing.   Raquel is a board member of Faraday Publishing and volunteers her time in mentoring, educating and empowering young women of color within her community. Raquel’s creative hobbies range from painting, sewing, and designing jewelry. She takes care of her mind and body with reading, yoga, and meditation. Professional Life At Ark HR Solutions, Raquel brings a combined breadth and depth of human resource experience. She anchored her knowledge from education and professional experience in academia and the corporate world. Her values, including a collaborative leadership style, multi-faceted responsibilities, and focused initiatives, contribute greatly to the organization and its growth. Arka HR Solutions will continue to grow with the help of Raquel’s skill. P.S. Do you want profound solutions on HR for your company? Arka HR Solutions offers extensive human resource services that include onboarding and off-boarding of resources, employee handbooks, payroll management, and performance management. Contact us today to for consulting on how your HR strategies can grow your company.

What is your company culture and how does it affect you?

A company runs and grows with the help of trusted employees; they form the backbone of your organization. If you examine the culture of your company, you want it to be one where your employees perform their best. To see quality output, offer a stress-free work environment; to achieve a stress-free workplace, enhance your company culture. Company culture affects your entire organization’s values and it also impacts tomorrow’s business. It reflects on your mission, values, and goals. When you have a good culture, employee behavior spreads positive vibes internally and externally. Internally A happy employee can motivate peers to increase their performance and support them in their work and personal life. Externally When an employee shares good workplace stories with family and friends, it may interest them to join your organization. How is inappropriate company culture affecting you? Decreases Productivity To enhance employee productivity, offer provide the best support to them. This allows them to share their ideas, collaborate with peers, and raise questions related to projects and the company’s workplace. Three ways to boost productivity The impact of a poor company culture If you fail to provide this type of support, employees may feel stressed-out and leave your company. Slows down Hiring Process Reviews left by previous employees can both affect the hiring process and damage the company’s reputation. Negative reviewers can also impact the possibility of potential employees accepting offers. Candidates often check company culture before they apply for a job. To improve the hiring process and expand your team more efficiently, showcase and promote your company’s positive qualities. Focus on helping employees understand how you can empower their career with work-life balance. You can also share your workplace benefits with them. Spoils Company’s Image A good company culture promotes employees to increase their productivity. This reflects indirectly on customers and their projects. If your customers don’t get the desired output, you will probably lose a good client. Likewise, negative client testimonials can jeopardize your company’s reputation. Company culture builds a brand in the market and attracts new customers and employees to join your company. 5 ways to improve company culture Social gathering ideas include: P.S. Arka HR Solutions can work to enhance the culture in your company to help your business thrive. You can leverage our human resource solutions, administrative solutions, and safety and environmental services to build a company culture where your employees will thrive.